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In June, after the British musical group the Planets
introduced a 60-second 
piece of complete silence on its latest album,
representatives of the 
estate of composer John Cage, who once wrote "4'33""
(273 seconds of 
silence), threatened to sue the group for ripping Cage
off (but failed, 
said the group, to specify which 60 of the 273 seconds
it thought had been 
pilfered). Said Mike Batt of the Planets: "Mine is a
much better silent 
piece. I (am) able to say in one minute what (took
Cage) four minutes and 
33 seconds." [The Independent (London), 6-21-02] 

"They aren't trend followers, and they don't have an established anti-establishment to support their contempt for the rest of society.  They have thus far been totally isolated, and their very existence is probably an affront to their families, their street, their town, their state, their nation..." 
    --English rock critic on the Australian band The Saints

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