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Re: (TV) Laughner

--- Brian Young <raggedglory57@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This was posted on another list yesterday (about a recent RFTT show):
> >Filling in for Laughner on guitar was Richard Lloyd, nicely ironic 
> >considering that Laughner played with TV for about three gigs in 1975.
> This is false, right?

>From everything I know, yes, it's false. According to Clinton Heylin, Laugher
was a member of Television for about 3 days - just long enough to get a tape of
Television's current set and learn their songs - before Lloyd returned to the
fold. And Lloyd even disputes this version of the story, writing on his
website, "As to Peter Laughner, he was never even close to being in Television,
unless I was way out of town for a month, and I don't think so." (For more
info, check out http://www.richardlloyd.com/solute.htm, and select the
"Television" category from the dropdown box).


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