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(TV) Hunter S. Thompson v. the Eagles (o.t.)

Off topic in the classic not-about-Television-but-about-the-Eagles mode.

The other night I was listening to the Canadian radio show As It 
Happens. They were interviewing Hunter S. Thompson's friend Tom McGuane 
about Thompson's life, and he repeated a story about being at a party 
or gathering where he was sitting and shooting the bull with Thompson 
about the down sides of being a writer.

Glen Frey came up to their table and lit into them about how writers 
always bitch and moan and he was sick of it. Thompson reached up, 
parted Frey's shirt and put his cigarette out on Frey's chest.

McGuane swears that Frey was so out of it that he thought McGuane had 
done this to him, and for years afterward gave him the evil eye 
whenever he saw him. Bet he never complained about writers to their 
face, though.

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