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Re: (TV) Re: TV Digest V1 #1359

I had always resisted SRV because it was easy to spot the influences/outright cops. Look! There's an Albert King lick! There's an Albert Collins! A Freddie King! But hearing the older blues guitarists express their appreciation for his helping to turn the attention to their idiom and to reinvigorate the blues (thus increasing their earning potential) helped me to lighten up my opinion of him. And he's not bad, of course. He played with a lot of heart and soul and his loss was tragic on a number of levels. But was he an inventive guitarist? Not overly, in my estimation. Is Richard? As much as Tom? I don't know. Richard is way more inventive than SRV, but that's just my opinion. 

grntg <grntg@yahoo.com> wrote:
I always thought his studio recordings had a lot of
the thrills beat out of them and I usually switch
stations when he comes on the radio BUT there's a live
video of SRV pre-star days where he's playing in a
bar. His playing is almost demonic throughout, loads
of wild feedback, distortion, sweat and at one point
he stands on the face of his guitar, pulls the neck up
and starts twirling around like he's on a sit and
spin, all the while playing like the phenom he's
reputed to be. Can't remember the name of the tape

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