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Re: (TV) Lord's Prayer stage rant

Claudia wrote:

So I guess that illness is still lingering around, or
is there another good explanation for this? [just two
examples, I have more that I don't wish to share
without the author's consent]

Look, Richard Lloyd certainly doesn't need me to defend him but I would point out that one of your examples is from 18 months ago when this "episode" was happening (not "still lingering around") and when Richard has explained that prescription medicine was effecting his behaviour and the other is unobtainable so I can't comment.

As for the "who do you think you are...Tom Verlaine?" comment, well... no, he obviously doesn't think that; if he thought he was Verlaine then he wouldn't be touring, wouldn't be playing, writing or recording and would be hiding somewhere locked in self-generated mystery and blaming the world for his problems and for not bowing down to his genius.

Television is over - it wasn't Richard Lloyd's fault and I doubt that it was Fred's or Billy's.

"The Wonder - Tom Verlaine, Television & Stuff"
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