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Re: Television’s Tom Verlaine Changed the Guitar for the Rock Underground | Pitchfork

Such a great observation:

"And yet while Verlaine is unquestionably NYC punk royalty... his place in the history of that movement is somehow the least interesting thing about him. Verlaine didn't seem to belong to the punk scene so much as wander through it, brushing shoulders with greats and rubbing off more on them than they did on him. He seemed uniquely a man out of time, destined to make music that rang out long after the scene quieted."

Thanks Jay.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 3:32 PM Glenn Cooper <glennwaynecooper@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Jay, that was a good read.

On 1/31/2023 6:39:42 AM, Jay Pontrelli <jpontrelli44@gmail.com> wrote:


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