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Re: (TV) Don't Do E-mail

Michael Olcsvary
> <olcsvary@verizon.net> writes
> >My response to not owning a cell phone.  "wait a minute.  You mean
> >people can call you at any time, whatever you're doing?  And you're
> >okay with that?"
> >
> >Hear, hear!  I hate the fucking things and refuse to own one

Well, I was really late in getting one, but a year later I actually
have no land line and rely on the cell exclusively.  But I also *don't
always answer it* and *turn it off when I don't want to be reached*,
which are both really easy things to do.

That said, the way a lot of people use 'em is profoundly annoying, and
LA may be the World Capitol of Said Annoying Uses.

-Rex Broome, Los Angeles
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